Rare $ouls WAV Music Catalog Group presents Jo-T “Smooth Criminal”. Jo-T “Smooth Criminal” is an afro pop record that was inspired by a situation in my love life. Where I was dealing with a woman who was dangerously gorgeous and knew exactly how to use her looks and sensuality to try and manipulate certain emotions. Learn just how I navigated the situation. In turn I’m saying the way she plays the game of love is criminal. I added some creative writing essence. I interloped the legendary Michael Jackson concept to an afrocentric song. Go listen to Jo-T ™️ – Smooth Criminal out now on all DSP digital streaming platforms.
Jo-T ™️
Follow at: @heartbreakjozy
Website: https://www.raresoulsmusic.com/
Official Instagram: @heartbreakjozy
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@heartbreakjozy
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@jo-t6338?si=ZPDpM7Qc2OZgjG0u
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/03X9NSe5598Vl5lRlgDdFL?si=i6ZAYEtlSmqVr3ysfjntXQ